Sunday, October 6, 2019

Matisse The Artist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Matisse The Artist - Essay Example The essay "Matisse The Artist" discusses Henri Matisse and his art. This master piece is more than inspiration and a rare discovery of just how human imagination can go. Use of color is critical in expressing the view of man on the natural setting. This painting of Matisse offers a lesson about the past of visual art and origin of civilization. In this case, the painting is a lesson to successive generation on what creativity can do in reforming the socio-economic and political ideologies. The work is a sign of well-thought out application of color tone to reflect the internal feelings of the artist and provoke the emotion of the audience. The balance of color and space offers a critical role in imparting knowledge on common man about the potential of our wild imaginations. It is evident that pictures speak a thousand words and this manifests itself in this painting. The iconic aspect of Matisse as far as precision and definition of art is concerned speaks for generations to come and hold key into opening opportunities and interests for aspiring painters and sculptors. This painting explores the history of painting and significance of visual impression derived from such in-depth mental adventure. The natural look from the purity of the colors provides fulfillment and invokes the spirit of desire for art. The anesthetic effect of the painting is notable and resonates the idea of Matisse in addressing the inner view of people on the beauty of life. It is worth to note a textural variation.

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